#337: How To Ghost/Not Ghost Yourself Into And/Or Out Of A Pretty Sweet Gig

Episode Descriptions

Professional mentors are like therapists - just because you find one, doesn’t mean you’re doing the continuous improvement work on yourself. Eric was propositioned by a youngry kid, “Ghost”, about work opportunities. While Ghost’s efforts were applauded, his approach was a F-. Eric Readinger and Law Smith advise Ghost how to seek out upward mobility with a more business-like follow up cadence.

Transcription via Otter.ai


podcasts.people shit fuck go kart mentor business talk ghostbusters ghost kid good assumptions episode grasshopper dude exposure find sell number


Law (61%), Speaker 2 (34%), Speaker 3 (1%) 

Law Smith


sweat equity podcast and streaming show the number one arbitrated comedy podcasts in the world. Arbitron. Nielsen ratings number one to Google number one. What are the number one? Why comedy business podcasts in the world? Yeah, number one podcast in the world. Comedy business podcasts, business comedy podcasts however you want to do it. We made the genre word disruptor in the podcast game, we're 2020 best small medium enterprise This is Pfizer podcasts in the United States. Thanks to lux global Excellence Award proudly hosted by Lux Good Life magazine you gonna bark all over Australia 2021 Best podcasts in streaming entertainment studio eastern United States media innovator awards 2021 hosted by you guessed it corporate vision magazine. Obviously you know that favorite periodical of yours you read growing up? Listen to us on iTunes, Apple podcast Spotify anywhere where podcasts are served your mind


Speaker 2


the fuck? Are you talking about what well how can you serve upon it's sorry go ahead keep

Law Smith


going. We we push it out there it's served. Okay, deployed, publish whatever fuck you. This episode


is brought to you by anger. Anger is brought

Law Smith


to you by Better Health NOW is brought to you by grasshopper. Try grasshopper.com forward slash swept like key sweat like sweat equity like Montez sweat. Try grasshopper.com forward slash sweat gets you $75 off an annual plan. What's grasshopper you say? It's an app for a second phone line? The entrepreneurs phone line make your own vanity number like


Speaker 2


oh one 869 balls and then a couple other numbers that works. No, it does work. Yeah, that's

Law Smith


where you got seven seven after the one


Speaker 2


else that has it? Definitely but you guys could get something else.

Law Smith


Hey, if they're out of one 800 numbers you can do 18554 26 Nine yeah, there's a myriad of vanity numbers you can do that. You can do local ones. Like you're in LA that have 310 or 20 You don't know the area I was I was trying to think if they had any more 310s Because those are the covenant area code numbers over there try grasshopper comm Ford slash sweat 170 $5 off an annual plan let's get ready to rumble

Law Smith


you know you're right before we started you just threw a bomb of like hey, it looks like a rat's nest of gray hair up on top of your I know I'm sorry. Now I have to go look at it it's bad enough I'm doing keeps and have to do the pictures of your own shirt I'm doing keeps do yeah I really crushing it


keeps giving us a sponsorship

Law Smith


Hey keeps his your whole business plan you just make us do this for like nine months and then we go fuck it


right? By the way, you

Law Smith


can't have the tablet if you drink more than three drinks or something like that. What you know that we have talked about this on air and I


think you're fine doctor did not tell me that.

Law Smith


I'll tell you that. Dr. Patel didn't tell me over whatever the chapter was. Shocking. Different guy. Do you mean to telemedicine guy Dr. Patel this myth of the Indian population it's the thing is like it's just a bummer to take a picture of the crown of your head. I Yeah. Oh, yeah. Just just


that they Photoshopped out the tears.

Law Smith


I might as well take off Dick picture right and send


that over to Google get in that business. And here's

Law Smith


a bummer dick pic. Here you go.


Right. What are the services do you offer?

Law Smith


So you had man breaking news have to two topics to talk about.


Speaker 2


Oh, whoa. Yeah. Breaking news because I had two topics because you have so many all the time.

Law Smith


No, I was kidding. That they're not breaking news. But you fell what? You say you get on the wrong side of the bed in the morning. You can be a grump stir? What happened today. You fell out of the bed? Oh,


Speaker 2


yeah. Well, I didn't fall out of the bed. I went to get back in the bed and whiffed they were do that with on the bed, huh? Yeah, me neither. I don't even know. I mean, it was dark in the room and I just I had one knee on and then went to put my left arm down and I there was nothing there.

Law Smith


How how early was this?


Speaker 2


This was early. It was like 545 in the morning, but you wake up at four. Yeah, not today. Not Oh, hung over to what happened. Oh, separating off your shoulder. And Justice thought it was the funniest shit of all time.

Law Smith


That's pretty cool. And just Jess is off camera. I'll did cheese tastings.com We've got a giggle crowd off off camera that you don't have to stifle the laughter We want to hear it. The people listening want to hear it. Take some of that tobacco. Yeah. Oh, that rolled up really tight. Tight kind of cigarette. So, do you need stem cell in your shoulder? What's going on? So


Speaker 2


we took my arm off? I'm good though. Okay. No, I Yeah, it was a stupid thing. I don't You can't not much of a story to it other than I'm an idiot.

Law Smith


Well, you fall back down and get back up again. There's


Speaker 2


number one. There's failure knocked down but I get up again.

Law Smith


You got did you try to play it off? Like it didn't happen?


No. I made a big deal out of it.

Law Smith


Did you do dance? Ah.


Speaker 3


That was tights. Ah, rabbit.

Law Smith




I got it. What I really need rather than it.

Law Smith


You have rabbit right? Rabbit girl?



Law Smith


Did Yeah. Well, I didn't know if you're trying to pull like apparently all women hate when guys they're either dating or married to get sick and really talk about it a lot. Oh, well, like I have a cold. Don't be a bit. Well, don't be a bitch. But like, you can just be sick and they you get no sympathy and it's like over crap. You don't get any sympathy. But I mean, it's over corrected. You know? It's like, Hey, I slept in because I'm sick. And they're like, Fuck you, dude. I'm, uh, I get a period every month. Right?


Speaker 2


All right. Did my kids they're sleeping today cuz you were sick. Right, right.

Law Smith


I didn't I always had that conversation. I didn't say I wasn't gonna do shit. today. I just said, I'm gonna sleep in like 20 minutes saying


it's gonna suck. Right? I

Law Smith


do do it. Right. What's it called? Now?


Speaker 2


So yeah, fell off the bed, and then got laughed at. It's good morning for a minute. Well, it was a good morning.

Law Smith


And then you show me you told me about this guy. You're you're you're mentoring.


Well, okay, so

Law Smith


by the way, before you get into that, let's, let's talk about mentors. I think they're like, therapists. Sure. Yeah. Right. I think people think because they have one. They're good. And they don't really vet out. Yes, that's the thing. A mentor or therapist correctly,


Speaker 2


like for anybody would want me as their mentor. But that's what's the

Law Smith


plenty to show you. But yeah, you've still you can do it.


Speaker 2


So I mean, the fam went to Malibu Grand Prix in Tampa, which is they have go karts, basically, and we're doing go karts.

Law Smith


That's a franchise nationally.


Speaker 2


I don't know if it's still viable. But uh, yeah, we did the go karts. We went through one time, we had enough to do it twice. Went through one time. And then as we were about to get out the first time, just dude, kid.

Law Smith


Dude, kid.


Speaker 2


He was a young a young gentleman. I could tell he was way younger than I was, you know, a grown up, but still younger than me.

Law Smith


What are we talking? What do you think?


22? Probably. And

Law Smith


was he Asian or black? And you couldn't tell how old he was? Uh,


but what are you asking me? There's

Law Smith


a big range.


Speaker 2


I mean, there's more you asking me? He's Asian or black? Are you asking me I couldn't tell how old he was

Law Smith


kind of both. He was a black guy.


Okay, and

Law Smith


right. So you could be 14 You could be 44


Speaker 2


No, look, 22 Okay, doesn't matter. He was like, Hey, man, you look like a businessman to me. You know, like, what do you do? And you started asking things about me. And I was like, Well, you know,

Law Smith


a lot of shit getting in the go kart, right? You look like a business. You look like you're wearing like a three piece suit. It's


Speaker 2


250 on Tuesday, you like a businessman? Oh, like really? Mind. You

Law Smith


have a mohawk? Yeah. Right.


I was like, wow,

Law Smith


Mohawk really does say like, I mean, you are in a white collar job, you know, during the day right now, but it does. It does scream. unemployable.


Speaker 2


Maybe, yeah. Maybe. And, and seriously, the timing of the day. I was like,

Law Smith


what? Like to me, it was


Speaker 2


a it was like two o'clock on Tuesday on Monday. Chestnuts. Yeah, well, yeah. And I was like, yeah, man, you know, I gave him my phone number. Just like, I was like, Sure. I don't know exactly what I can help you with. But here's my phone number. You know, give me a call. And he did call me. I don't know how long but a week later, we talked and he had like, right. He did have certain energy that I was like, okay, cool. You know, you seem like you want to learn Unlike all these things, and you seem like a hustler and shit, and I was like, Well, we do a podcast and I straight up cannot pay you any money. And I'm willing to teach you whatever I know that might be able to improve your career and like get a job somewhere else.

Law Smith


Good work not doing the exposure. Carrot dangle on right.


Speaker 2


You want to exposure man? Yeah, that's the ever been a producer on a pot?

Law Smith


Yeah, we'll give you exposure to learn how to do all this grunt work right. Never pay you and then never have a career path. Yeah, that will get you an audience


Speaker 2


pragmatic advice situation. Don't take exposure because it's bullshit.

Law Smith


Well, when someone pitches you exposure, right? It's always a bad sign. Yeah.


Speaker 2


You can approach them. Yeah, looking for exposure. Do not take exposure if it's offered to you, because they're just trying to fuck you,

Law Smith


you know, exposure of any kind. Now I think about it, ya know, all I think, a trench coat flashing you never good Northern Exposure. Not a great show. Not a great show. I kinda like to actually. Alright, keep going. But yeah,


Speaker 2


this kid, you know, he, we had a conversation and I was like, listen, we normally record on Tuesdays, you know, maybe you can come by and learn, you know, just some cigarette. You can learn some some stuff about podcasts. And I could use somebody to make the thumbnails every week or whatever. Very cool. And

Law Smith


you're very altruistic. I mean, you. We brought it up a bunch, but it's worth repeating. I mean, you used to keep like, MRDs for homeless people in your car. Well, I tax that. Well, it takes some forethought. It takes it takes some planning. Yeah. You know, like, you're being prepared to be ready to help people. Like, you're probably nicer than you need to be when the situation maybe,


Speaker 2


maybe, and the good. You know, I was like, I'm gonna hit you up. And, frankly, I did not, you know, start a new job, all these things and

Law Smith


yeah, the new job you got 90 days of just like, focus on that.


Speaker 2


Right. And just learning something. I don't know. But he, I think it was on Halloween. sent me a text. All I got was sub s up. Well, no follow up. Okay, wait. Sure.

Law Smith


Follow up. One.


He did follow up

Law Smith


we have said on the show. A lot of business is is like I would say one of the main tenants of being good in a professional environment is follow up. Right? We've talked about it a lot like the best business development guys follow up the best, like traffic operations people. It's all about follow up. See how the systems are going. You know, like all that shit. Marketing is a fuck ton of follow up, like, making sure everything's going


Speaker 2


Yes, it was 12 days after we spoke on the phone that I got. What's up, Tex?

Law Smith


Well, you can't be too eager. Right. Sure. Be like the swingers voicemails? Yeah. Hey, it's me again.


Speaker 2


Right? And, you know, that's all good. Like I told him I would I would hit him up and didn't screw it up, do it. But also, like, his name's Kosta one. There's the other part of it. I was like, What is your name again? It's like, I honestly don't even remember what he said first, but it was not ghost. Something else and he's like, ghost. Like he made it up on the spot.

Law Smith


Um, Ghostface Killah Jr. I was like


Speaker 2


gonna be reaching out networking and should tell people your real name.

Law Smith


Maybe loves the movie Ghost right? Swayze did lazy fan. Yeah. Yeah. Or movie.


Maybe it's


all just all is


Speaker 2


forgiven. All right. You have like a white guy. Who's like a Swayze fan. Yeah, but yeah, that whole

Law Smith


pottery man. Alright.


There's at least a process.

Law Smith


I love a clay wheel.


Speaker 2


But he he hit me up today. Yeah, and I got professional. I got stuff again. Sammy s up. Yo, you bet. And he's like, hood hbu which means how about you? And you have to look that up. No, I Okay.

Law Smith


I have to look some of these acronyms. Anything.


Speaker 2


I'd have to look up. When somebody says How you been? And they say hood? Like, oh, that's cool. Good. Right. Good. Yeah, you can see right there. Hood. hbu. Yeah. Like so that's good. That's a typo for good, man. Good. Okay. Yeah.

Law Smith


All right,


Speaker 2


because that's what autocorrect would do. Great. Good. Good. All right.

Law Smith


Yeah, that's the reverse AutoCorrect. Like if I wrote ducking, it would go to fucking


the exactly right.


Speaker 2


So I was like, Yo, like, Hey, we're gonna be podcasting at two o'clock today. And he's like, call me that it was call me. That's it direct and then a minute later. Now kind of hot. I'm not gonna lie was now a little turn on. What would you do? If somebody say to him if this guy said, Call me, I would just be like now I

Law Smith


block his number, or I probably do what you're doing, but I probably when I get bored, I probably just hit him up with random shit. Well, you won't call him right now. No, no, no, no. Yeah, you don't want to. This feels like a situation where he could find you. Yeah, well, but we don't need to poke the bear. I mean, look what the plan is to send him a clip of this because, yeah, it did give him some good advice, right?


Speaker 2


Well, I was like, Yo, he's, I was like, I can't talk right now. I'm with family and friends out at armature works in Tampa. Yeah, and we don't I don't really want to be talking about those right now. It doesn't, you know, and I'm at the

Law Smith


widest an extra price it can be they won't get it. Right.


Speaker 2


And the nice thing is, what type of job it will be. And will I make cash with the k out of it? Yep. Oh, boy. First of all, I already told

Law Smith


you. And what's it wa T?


Speaker 2


Right w at type of job it will be? And will I make cash with a K goes out of his way to spell a cash and carry style. Right. Cool.

Law Smith


Nice. Yeah. out of it. Yeah.


And I responded, you need a different approach, bro.

Law Smith


You got a bro in there? Yeah, yeah.


Speaker 2


He wrote wy mu men, apostrophe s. And then what you mean? Why? Again, I didn't respond since then. But because like, just if he's not gonna get. So let's dispense

Law Smith


the advice. And we can just send them the timecode of this episode. Fantastic. Which were what? What's the clock on?


Speaker 2


Give me a second. Can we start a little regulating?

Law Smith


So Adam, I think you started two minutes. I'm working. Yeah. All right. So you need a different approach. Ghost? Where's where's my single right there? Yeah, I know the terms. You need a different approach. What I mean, what would you elaborate to that? I have thoughts.


Speaker 2


I mean, if you really the guy wants it, he really sold me on his, his work ethic and how he's down to get up early. And he's down to do this. Like he's down to work, right? Don't say call me. And then send us separate text messages now. Right? Like, dude, if anything, if anything, we would be at least equals Right. Right. Right, right. Like I'm not gonna be taking orders from you.

Law Smith


Right? Well, here. So the thing the thing because when you told me this before we got on air, it was like, my first thought was he sounds like a sales guy. He could be a good sales guy. Maybe. Maybe I'm gonna try to put a bright spin on this for the kid. Right? Or adult or, baby? I don't know. It could be any. Oh,


Speaker 2


did I mention it was a two year old baby? The whole time we went

Law Smith


to the tow. Oh, no, this is this is a hamburger helper to the story.


Speaker 2


No, it was um, it was a person with a brain who could speak it wasn't a two year

Law Smith


old. I was like, the way you said it. I imagined a baby a two year old like in his arm like, Dude, give me a job. That's different. I have a job. Hold on. Let me let me let me organize these cards for the next race.


I mean, yeah, can you hold this baby? What part of Malibu

Law Smith


because there's a batting cages putting there's a go kart guy. Okay, so that's a TED Talk. That's got to be hot labor. I mean, it's not the proper shot fixer guy


Speaker 2


right you know the batting cage medic. Yeah, you don't want to that's the worst responsibility but you get

Law Smith


no respect over on the course you know it's not like being


a no rules on the puppet wow there's plenty

Law Smith


of rules it's just you to follow them or not right but the first thing when first blush listening to that when you're telling me originally off air was like, This guy could be a good sales guy. Or he he has the


lab odor

Law Smith


cool. Lack of awareness of like politeness sure or just but that can play well in a sales scenario if your sales Hunter right. i He seems like a guy


he can Oh, okay. Well see you later right

Law Smith


like he could get fantastic if he's, if he's so flippin like yanking these relationships right right. Yeah, didn't doesn't sound like he really got to know you. He wasn't like he did.


Speaker 2


What do you bow saw my driving skills? And you gave me really? I do not know. Well, yeah, I was like, always give a burning. Talking about

Law Smith


Google. You got to have a Google Voice. Here's our pragmatic tip. Have a Google Voice number as a burner phone number mistakingly things your business man. Memorize that number. So when you get in these situations, um, because I've tried to do the Google Voice number, like, if you take a beat, they're like, are you doing for me? Like,


is that your number? I'm like, fuck yeah.

Law Smith


So just give them a business, our business liner. Yeah, try grasshopper.com forward slash sweat. So the $75. So the thing is with with this guy, it all the makeups right there. Like, if you're trying to like a guy, I could see him later down the line in my head. I imagine a guy that's like, I can sell anything, right? Any? And maybe we talk to him in 2030 years. You know, you guys keep in touch. Pen pals kind of thing. Maybe listens to this podcast episode and gets his shows together. It's


fan. Yeah, what's your real name? Dude, tell me real name

Law Smith


when he has that. When he has a kid. He can go by Bill Cosby. His best movie goes, Dad.


Speaker 2


Thank you. They good? Yeah. Yeah. And

Law Smith


score. And scoring is doing right? The Price Is Right losing horn. I'll drop later part six with the Bill Cosby movie.


Speaker 2


What? That thing had me. Whenever somebody who's obviously looking for a little bit of a booster nudge or something? I'm like, Yeah, of course, I'll help you like, what do you need to do? But then to like, reverse it? You know, and just do it go now I'm going to stand up for myself as

Law Smith


well. When you do that. It doesn't work on you. But I can see a lot of other people. I know just people pleasing that to get whatever. I know.


Speaker 2


But you know if anything, the the type of person that he needs to talk to? To get what he's thinking he needs his dad. Well, that is

Law Smith


What? What? Dads, dads, dads, bring discipline. That's all I'm saying. What

Law Smith


look, I don't know your cigarette. You made. So go ahead. I can you know, sell me this pen. He's a sell me this pen guy. Right? Yeah, you could you can those guys can be molded. Right?


Speaker 2


Right. And that's what I think when I when somebody approaches me like that. I'm like, okay, you know, the guy's he? He leaves did that much. Going from there? My great execution.

Law Smith


Yeah, it's not calculated seems impulsive on his part.


Speaker 2


Right? It's not the tie. Like, if that's the direction you're going. You kind of got to stay in that direction where you're not then. Okay, now's the time for me to be an Alpha Man. No, it's like, you know, if you're going to me, like, I'm gonna tell you straight like, told the kid. Well, I'm not I can't I'm not paying you any money. I don't think I told him multiple times on the phone. And then he text me how much cash I'm gonna make. Okay.

Law Smith


One of the thing was, like always sunny, where they're just like, Do it, do it? Just do it. Like the hard sell. Like, just keep telling him to like, right? Accept it, accept this? Yes. Do it, do it, I hit the deal. Right. And they're like, the whole episodes. Like, you're not gonna pressure me into this.



Law Smith


But some people works on,


Speaker 2


right. But me. But the bottom line is the people you need to talk to are not going to be interested in, in that dynamic, where he's like standing like, they want to have their ass kissed. There's not right, the person that's gonna make his life what he thinks is going to happen like the the person that he's going to run into. They're not going to like this whole, like, call me now. Like, they're not gonna like that shit. They're gonna like you calling them repeatedly, and trying to like, make an effort. And then like, maybe learning on your own some stuff, whatever. But like, that's not the time to stand up for yourself and be an alpha male.

Law Smith


Let's say let's say let's make this to an extreme example. replace you with Elon Musk. Okay. And in each, there would be a big gap between the two of these people. Right? And so they are no, ghost in Elon. Right? Right. So that like right there. How would How would you speak to Elon is how you should kind of speak to you? Yes. Right. In a way, in a way not like wow, you kind of I've told


Speaker 2


you like our asshole saying that but I mean, use me as a practice guy.

Law Smith


But I mean, yeah, but maybe that's what he's doing. Maybe, yeah, maybe you're just a throwaway. He turned you out. Right? But anyway, Richard Gere also as a what? Who I would, I would say my business mentor, a quasi mentor for you. Dean Akers who's come on here. You got to fish in the pond where the people were the targets are at right,


Gabby's Rick right bait, right?

Law Smith


And he's, he's trying to talk shit up at Malibu Grand Prix during the day,


Speaker 2


right? While working, like no, that's so nice. That's a lot of steps that you're going up. I think of

Law Smith


like all my really smart, successful managers and bosses I've had over the time. And even if this guy was eloquent and like, cordial, right? Uh huh. You're still not, you're still


gonna eat some shit. He's still

Law Smith


taking off company time to pursue his own shit.


Yes, that's true, too. Right? That's a good point. So

Law Smith


if you hire him, he's always gonna have a wandering eye. Right?


Speaker 3


You know, you're talking to the guy over there looks like a businessman. What the fuck? Well,

Law Smith


I mean, like, everybody's got a side hustle. Now. I mean, this is kind of a little bit of the reason we have the show is to kind of talk to that crowd that wants to get their own thing going, and kind of help that thing that process out. But like, I know, a lot of people that do make decisions that can be rainmakers, like he's looking for, but they'd never because they're all bottom line, guys. They've never ever hired that guy even throw away just the fucking vernacular over text, right? They'll never hire him. Cuz he's, he's fucking off on the job. He's already got


Speaker 2


right. Yeah, you got to be bulletproof dude. Like you have to walk. It's like you need to get my card. Email me. Give me your fucking real name for starters, dude. Well, that site so like, I know your mother did not name you go slow,

Law Smith


you know? Um could be it could be short for something else goes an acronym. Go steel. Goes that short for maybe it's like Haitian or some you know? Nando maybe it's Creole. We don't know. cost. So, the other thing is I'm


Speaker 2


gonna spend the rest of our time thinking goes names. Yeah, you can say what you want.

Law Smith


Ghostbusters. Ghostbusters.


Ghostbusters and then whatever.

Law Smith


So, the thing with him is alright, let's I want to spin this in a good direction for him. I don't want to just talk shit about this guy. We don't even know in case you actually do send him a text and go hey, we talked about this for an entire episode. You sat on that? You're like, Oh, I gotta wait. Can I get Can I need my soundboard Fuck this. Like, you don't get that you get all the power of the prices right horn? Um, so Ray


Parker, Jr. Nice.

Law Smith


So if we're talking Ghostbusters afterlife, like yo, put that. If we're talking, what if his last name was pepper ghost pepper. Alright, so if we're talking about how do we spin this in a way to help this guy out? Right? We are not mentors for this guy. No. So no, that's number one. Finding a mentor.


I don't know. I mean, if he likes this sort of advice,

Law Smith


this will not work. I think we he needs to find someone else. Right? I don't want to be around this guy, honestly. Yeah, not really. But I want to give help from afar through this episode. Like a synchronistic. One way, here you go. Like, here's what I would tell ya. Take it and run with it. Yes, um, the thing I would say the thing I would tell them knowing what we know, and the assumptions we're making, which we're breaking the five. What is it? The five agreements?


Speaker 2


Sure, but I don't I mean, never make assumptions. It's not I don't think we're making assumptions. We're basing everything off of my interactions with them. And it's kind of, you know, I will lead you down the wrong path of judgment. So I'm telling you, it's it's weird situation, he could have handled it better.

Law Smith


Well, so the problem the five agreements, I agree with big time, but the one that's tough is you make, try not make assumptions. It's kind of like don't have bias, right? Right. Take it as is,


that can hurt you in the business role in the

Law Smith


business world. It's you, that's all you need to do is Forecasts make assumptions.


You make assumptions.

Law Smith


So what I would say to this kid is back to the therapist, mentor thing, finding someone to help you out. If you really need to get like, people get a therapist and they go, Well, I'm doing the work. But they could just be going into someone who sucks. Like I feel like a lot of therapists. My understanding is a lot of therapists, like suck at being a therapist. They get into it because they're cuckoo. Yes. And then they're in it so much that they go through school. They're like, Yeah, I'm pretty good with this stuff. Right?


You know, I

Law Smith


have a lot of experience with that already


believe that all my patients are fucked up on

Law Smith


this. I feel like there's like a comedo almost like a sea of comedians. Like there's a small, they're good. Yeah, I bet it's like 5050. Everybody has a sense of humor, so they think they're good at


Yeah. So I enjoy humorous comedies.

Law Smith


So I would say really get really honed Then on who a mentor would be for you. Now he's looking for someone resourceful right? But he's fishing on the wrong pond. He needs to be well no he needs to join you can join a myriad of volunteer groups that where you can meet people that are doing things right right you can talk as


Speaker 2


if the people are businessman by the way they drive a go kart is not necessarily your best judgment.

Law Smith


Did you take out the turn? Did you on the straightaways did you go wide and then take it?


Speaker 2


I was I was like doing deals on my phone as I was driving. blew off Music Oh shit. That's a business man. Oh

Law Smith


my god. Damn,


he's driving and making deals at the same time. Holy shit.

Law Smith


My cumberbund went over my eyes. So many loafers. Oh, I didn't even talk. Um, but for him. It sounds like he's got a good salesman like psychology, right? He got


Speaker 2


nation we've got the foundation the energy to like, you know, make it happen but there's a personality side to it where it's like you got to understand like maybe you need to choose your your approach differently depending on who you're talking to.

Law Smith


And I'll speak to ghost your Ghost Ghost Hey, ghost. Here's what I'd say Google how to be a better Sales Hunter. Look at that first, then maybe look at things you think you could sell by the knowledge you have. Alright, go kart salesman. Right. And he's got a motor that's that's


Speaker 2


kind of the thing. There's a connection there. You could use that as a tagline somehow.

Law Smith


There you go. Right like that a


motor like my go

Law Smith


kart by the way five carts selling through the roof right now. I don't know why I know that. But someone was telling me about like golf cart again find a car to buy. Well, there's that and also that more people were kind of at home the last few years so they they're in their own neighborhoods a lot. Yeah,


Speaker 2


just cruising around. Get a golf cart. They get a golf cart. Yeah, Florida,

Law Smith


probably the best state for golf cart. Oh, totally. One night golf courses and just just neighborhoods alone? Yes.


Speaker 2


I think my golfing would just prefer the neighborhood

Law Smith


or find something adjacent. When


I'm feeling good.

Law Smith


I'm making the I'm making an assumption that you might know about cars, right? You might know about engines, you might know a little something. Right? Right. You play around it that much and not know


Speaker 2


the date. I was fishing for that. So on the initial call, and it wasn't too much. That it was a lot of just I have the energy to learn which is I get that like I'm the same way.

Law Smith


He's got a word I like to use. He's got hutzpah,


Speaker 2


right thinks he's Jewish. I was telling them how you think you're Jewish earlier?

Law Smith


First off, I'm the most Jewish Gentile that's how I that's how I roll right? I love my Jews.


I'm J

Law Smith


I'm I'm pro I'm pro Israel. Sorry. Sorry. It's controversial.


Speaker 2


It's not to die. What are you talking about?

Law Smith


No, just some people aren't Israel, which I find weird. Um, I'm not saying they haven't done shit today and


Speaker 2


why the show's almost over we're getting into fucking Israel. Alright, we are not going to solve that.

Law Smith


Let's let's end on a mitzvah


let's let's end on a con

Law Smith


and cheers on that on a Hi. Um, so, so my thing with him is I would tell him what watch Wolf of Wall Street if you have to to get motivated. Because that's really that's a story about a bunch of schlubs.


Yeah, don't turn the best one you think is the best choice?

Law Smith


Not the best industry but the best. I'm talking motivation


Nightstar looked at you ease big adventure. He

Law Smith


He's a sales guy that Oh, no, I'm just saying you need to see if you want an example to get excited when you're younger movies mean a lot more as an example. carry through also watch ghost. Oh, yeah. Yeah.


Speaker 2


I mean, if you're gonna go around, you got to get those references. Dude, I got a Ghostbusters afterlife. So I get people are gonna be like yo, Swayze What's up like, you're gonna do what do you


Speaker 3


mean? You better do that you ever see the old chick? Ghostbusters? Right? You better watch Ghostbusters. That shit


Speaker 2


is going you know learn bad go is all that shit. Yes, it's you gotta learn it though. Anything goes? You better learn

Law Smith


it. I like Ghostbusters. Two more than one. Um, yeah. Is that That's the marshmallow guy. Right?


Speaker 2


No, the first one. The second one is the guy is. I just said the guy. Vico comes from the painting and stuff. Oh, yeah. The painting

Law Smith


guy. Yeah, that's the scariest thing at Disney World. Your house As Yeah, so ghost. In summary, try to get if you have this personality full episode. And look, by the way, if you want to invest in yourself take the AP IQ test, we took the advanced personality questionnaire, it's $150. But it's, to me the most accurate, you're more of a culture index is the most accurate, but it's kind of different test. But there's a lot of professional tests you can take to kind of figure out where you should be. Then the next step is how do I get to the place I should be?


Speaker 2


Right when you say a professional does I'd say for you goes take personality, you know, the things that kind of start point, point you in this direction? Sure. Anything that's not necessarily a skills assessment, or like anything like that, just personality tests, because it seems like you don't know exactly what you want to do. So let it test tell you.

Law Smith


Second thing, don't come find us and murder us


Speaker 3


because we did this right. To also please do not do that.

Law Smith


We both have two kids each both of us have. We need to be around for that. Third, I would say you know, find those systems as businesses enterprise is actually really good for giving a professional track right. Get that like ticker. Yeah, they're they really, for young kids. Or for Chick fil A Right? Sure. Chick fil A we're really coaching Publix, Publix is great. Look at these kind of firm blue chip, blue chip companies that really care about the employees they have. It's actually part of their branding is that they give a shit right? They have a professional track. Now if you want to go the sales route, try to find something that's a little bit commission. If you want to find something that is just not that you're worried about, you know, making whatever don't do Cutco, or you know, don't sell knives, right don't be like every chicken highschool or every chick we knew from high school that's doing Rodin and fields in scamming their friends that they're not friends with really don't do one of those things on a pyramid schemes right don't ya don't do Herbalife Herbalife that's what I can think of. Yeah, garage inventory, they'll destroy your life $30,000 of that or but destroy your life? Yeah, Amway all these you know, Mary Kay, I don't think you're gonna go that way goes but you know all these bad Wait a second


goes my killed it. Drive that pink Cadillac

Law Smith


ghosts. Face that might kill my Yes, I think they have to know that. If ghost wants to ask follow up questions. 12 days later,


leave a review go No, five star Eric

Law Smith


tech. Eric, hey,


leave it on Apple podcast, or you can leave

Law Smith


it up, you can leave the comments on this episode on sweat equity. pod.com. And


if if you do, I'll get back to you within 12 We

Law Smith


will try to help you. Your mentors. Yeah.


Speaker 2


How about that if you wizard you know, all the way to the end. And you do if you leave it the comment on sweat equity pod.com. And also, Apple podcast, give us a five star review then do that. That's

Law Smith


you have to do that should do that. Yeah, just


Speaker 2


leave the comment on sweat equity. pod.com. We'll definitely. Look, I'll make you a co host of the show.

Law Smith


I'll do an episode a month if he just has questions. Yes. keeps bringing on fire with it. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. But I've kind of quasi mentored some people. I never would say I'm a full fledged one. But like, here's I just say here's free advice you didn't ask for what right?


Speaker 2


Well, you and I we you know, we also expect a level of energy back and if it doesn't get returned immediately in the right way. We're out. There's got too much shit going Oh,


no compassion. Yeah, right. Yeah, sorry. But


Speaker 2


like, if you mean what you're saying. Do what you mean.

Law Smith


Right. Right. Or, you know, maybe find the industry where you can talk like that where you know how that vernacular works


right. Oh, yes.

Law Smith


hookup app. Craig's us we'll be waiting ghost. Alright guys, we love you. I love you. What about my sweat equity



#338: How To Grant Yourself The Power of Trim


#336: How To Check In With Your Audience To Let Them Know You're Not Dead