#334: How To Engage In Business Talk... You'll Get It
podcast people robots business marching band knee fucking shit iphone pay viking funeral line wedding sweat new orleans russell brunson chinese talking netflix married
Law (68%), Speaker 2 (26%)
Law Smith
sweat equity podcast and streaming show the number one comedy business podcast in the world pragmatic entrepreneurial advice with real estate it right out already bro write me some new copy bro writing No, that's Eric I'm long we're 2020s best small medium enterprise events Business Advisory podcast United States.
Yeah that's why
Law Smith
just mumble like you got a lot of marbles in your mouth 2020 one's best podcast in streaming entertainment studio eastern United States media innovator awards 2021 hosted by, you guessed it, corporate vision magazine, obviously, listen to us on Apple podcast Spotify anywhere podcasts are found Smash, smash. smash that subscribe button What? Come on, where's that? Where's Lorenzo? I'll say an apology like lyza then we can get up to the cuff word right in the beginning, right? That's true. That's true. We're sponsored by suck my pussy from behind. Whoo. She said she said no, no, you're right. We're the homothetic tie. This This episode is sponsored by our sponsors. Try ExpressVPN comm forward slash sweat. Get you three months free up an annual plan. Don't get tricked by big data. You with the next ones entrepreneurs phone? Try grasshopper.com forward slash sweat $75 off an annual plan. That's like almost a ticket to Disneyland almost almost. That's the entrepreneurs phone line. Try grasshopper comm forward slash sweat like he slept. And lastly, the disrupter in the eyeglass sunglass game you can get your prescription glasses and only pay like 95 bucks starting at 95 bucks. Warby Parker. trial.com, forward slash sweat. Get some? Let's do it. How about my sweater with my sweater? Woody.
Law Smith
Woody. I'm in a silly mood. You are in a silly mood get silly buddy. Good stuff. Yep, that's how we do it. That's why we're number one, guys. That's how we do things. Well, we got we got a nugget from a personal story you've got Can I I got a bitch about one thing real quick. That we? We I've been. I've been throwing this out. I've noticed more and more when we've talked to guests and stuff. And it's like, really honing in on like, we as people as humans. Bad communicators. Yeah, it's like, really bad in text form. Okay, well think Oh, yeah. So like, I was I ran into another stand up comic, like walking in downtown Tampa just randomly. And he was going for a jog. We just started talking about something. He's like, Yeah, man, I'm trying to work a bit. I was like, Yeah, I like doing that. When I go for a walk or jog or whatever. He's like, you know, he's telling me about this argument with him and his girl. And I was like, the, the almost all arguments I've had or how texts are read? Yeah, or emails or word? Yeah, by a female. Oh,
it's I'm not saying that. Well,
Law Smith
I'm saying in personal life. I'm saying like, I used to get in fights all the time. It's like I can't think of a really good on stage scenario yet but like, I definitely have this conversations like
thank you for sharing with the podcast audience
Law Smith
Well, I've been I can't think of a good scenario but I'm saying like, like I will. I had one in real life that was like, I picked your friend Jeanette up from the airport and it was like what is this shit? Right and you're saying like I picked up your friend
I was like do a big day
Law Smith
I will I text you because of this whole fighting for how you read something right? How do you you added something into it that I just think of me texting you as like, robot like yeah, and like an autistic robot right?
Very just wants you to laugh at them.
Law Smith
Right? Just assume it's a joke. Just on this hour really helpful as
Speaker 2
two of us I personally assume it's all a joke, right? And it really be good
Law Smith
Asperger's robot. Yeah, like that's how like, I have to text clown anybody? I've been clown. I've been with good banding. Not bad. Not bad. It's got legs make a shirt.
Yeah. It'll never fly though. Help the robot crowd.
Law Smith
That's true. Well, and everybody it's kind of scary. Unlike China right now,
sure I don't want to piss him off either.
Law Smith
We're trying too hard. We're number we're number one in China. Who what this podcast Oh, yeah.
Oh, definitely and
Law Smith
North look if anybody can get anything out of
Speaker 2
this podcast Kim Jong you know, we're not we're not pushing it to the guy but it's obviously you know, we can we can download the charts. We get them
Law Smith
what charts to get them sent to oh yeah we're we are big in North Korea though that's a fact. Well Lipson shows you everything if Yeah, use them as podcasts. Look if anybody can glean anything out of this show. It's be scary to Chinese people now. Right? We're the number one podcast in North Korea. comedy. vizor. Everything
we say about Asia in general. And
Law Smith
the Chinese you're scared of today are the robots of tomorrow.
Speaker 2
Whoa, yeah. That's scary. And profound.
Law Smith
Yeah. robots don't have 100 year plan.
Speaker 2
No, they don't need it. Right. They're like, we'll do it. We'll do it the day before.
Law Smith
how pissed are Chinese people gonna be? When? When robots just like bots? They're like that's what we do. That's our shit. Like, we do. We make stuff you know, there's there gonna be so sad. I
Speaker 2
knees artists. free thinkers out there. They're not allowed to say it or do any of it. They
Law Smith
can't listen to this. No, the only people that they they use ExpressVPN they log into an American IP. So they can't get tracked. You have to use VPN in China if you're using us.
Yeah, they don't want to have those either.
Law Smith
VPN. Yeah, but you can sneak it. Oh. Oh, very good. Very cool about it. I heard right yeah,
Speaker 2
I'm sure that the consequences of that are minor. I don't
Law Smith
know. I don't know. Remember like that story in Singapore. The American kid that went did Rio Get what? I thought something was messed up on the on the computers.
Speaker 2
No. Thanks for paying attention though. Remember the
Law Smith
kid? The American kid that graffitied in Singapore and they came to them No, but I love it. Yes there. I'm starting to think like
Speaker 2
they take Singapore was like munity cleanliness very seriously.
Law Smith
I'm starting to think Singapore push that out there and be like, Don't fuck with us if you're a visitor or close in China probably does it and doesn't really celebrate it right. As a warning.
Speaker 2
We should say we do that, right. Singapore is really clean.
Law Smith
I mean, yeah, but no, it's it's garbage. I heard it's like whoever what you hear about like, Dubai or whatever? It's like, same thing. Super city. super clean but crazy restrictions.
Yeah. Look getting drunk.
Law Smith
I'm drunk on life. No,
I mean, they're in Dubai. I
Law Smith
don't think again. I can get drunk on life there. Okay.
Different life.
Law Smith
Whoo. Hot, hot. Hot gas. You want to do is
offended half the fucking world.
Law Smith
What do you mean? Don't be like woke person here. buzzwords.
I'm not being scared person.
Law Smith
What about what?
The Chinese robots you just said?
Law Smith
Oh, yeah. Oh, I even think about the hybrid. Jeez, there's gonna be a hybrid era probably at some point. I don't know. Well, what were all the children gonna work?
Right. I mean, I guess they use those for fuels somehow.
Law Smith
How are we going to get our iPhones man? You know what's what's going on? Shout out to Foxconn. Shout out Foxconn,
Speaker 2
we will probably somehow be the iPhones for the robots. Oh, yeah. It's gonna they're gonna flip it that actually see how you like it. fucko
Law Smith
that actually is like some kind of theory about like, future stuff like that. Like, really? The robot will be basically like pads to robots?
Speaker 2
Well, yeah, but not cell phones. Not nearly that useful. Oh, no, no, just the time and energy suck.
Law Smith
Do you know anybody that's as? as useful as an iPhone? Oh, right. Things like a mega computer in your pocket shirt. Oh, can we speak of which I hate that meme. It's a business meme. Everybody seen it? It's one of those ones too. Like, it's like, buy a new iPhone $1,000 $999 start a business $999 like, you know, like, go out to eat $250 you know, put money into yourself. Like this shit where it's like, have you seen you know in timeout? Well,
Speaker 2
I mean, what is the point of it? Where's the where do they get that? It's like, here's my shit on it too.
Law Smith
Sure, but you're spending money in the wrong wrong areas. Oh, right. Like you're spending your effort.
Speaker 2
Right? It's the whole thing where it's like you're wasting your money if you go out to dinner, right? are some people who kill other people. They don't go out to dinner once a month
Law Smith
or whatever. To put this on the video No,
Speaker 2
no, we are not able to magically your screen on
Law Smith
the computer we've only been doing this like five years.
You're getting less interested.
Law Smith
Well I teach me um, alright, so this is Russell Brunson my Twitter. I saw it on LinkedIn. I've seen it a bunch. I fucking hate it. Russell Brand.
Speaker 2
No, Russell Brunson. Richard Branson?
Law Smith
His number is 20823179 What?
What is the thing?
Law Smith
It's been sure I've seen it so much. start a business. $999 too much. Buy an iPhone. $999 no problem. Health, healthy groceries. $100. Too much dinner and dessert. $100 no problem. watch Netflix, two hours. one more episode. learn a new skill. Two hours, no time. Life is about choices. Stop blaming the lack of opportunity. Okay, I agree with the sentiment of it. I fucking hate it because it's not true. I
Speaker 2
actually don't think I agree with the sentiment. Well, I this this judgy sort of like, Oh, I go spending money on certain things is is their own way of mentally feeling better about whatever, you know, just like their own enjoyment. Like so people just enjoy different things that cost different amounts of money.
Law Smith
That Yeah, so sure, but I'm saying the, I think who is talking to her like, you and I have been, I think but more or less a lot of people that want to do you know, kind of who we want to talk to for our audience, is people want to do their own business right? So do their own thing like turn your turn what you're passionate about into your own hustle or whatever. And so I think it's one of those things where I agree with like, who this is supposed to talk to the people that make excuses why they can't get so yeah, that I think that's what it's really about. So like the life is about choices, stop blaming, lack opportunity. I kind of agree with that.
Speaker 2
But it's like the very first thing he says, start a new business or buy a new iPhone now right? You know, it's really hard to do in business. That's what pisses me off is not having a phone. Well you need a fight you need that's not a choice, but um, yeah, you're not making you you don't make a choice between your business and the iPhone. Like that's part of it. If
Law Smith
you're a tradesman, you have your own maybe it's the same thing basically just work off a phone. Sure well I never sit down on a laptop or anything
Speaker 2
well yeah, I mean like lots of say, but there's intrinsic costs so guarding this stuff up
Law Smith
what makes me mad that makes me mad is the stuff on the side to make it sound like it's like, start a business $999 what fucking business is that? Right? Like what?
Speaker 2
What What does that mean? start a business Yes. Starting about filing the paperwork. Right? Is that all you mean? Great
Law Smith
LLC depending on what state you're in. Right there. 150 bucks right? And
Speaker 2
that's you doing it all yourself? Right? Knowing how to do it, obviously because everybody's born to know how to do that.
Law Smith
And then like, what's the business? Is it a service? Like, are you start start a lemonade stand at $999 would be crazy. Like, what is that pod? A pod? Like trade company
bog like the slammer pod? Yeah. Okay. Sure.
Law Smith
I'm trying to think like what could you start? Not much? Not
Speaker 2
much. I mean, it would have to be an online something or other like yeah, and no
Law Smith
and your point actually, ironically, it'd be a tax write off for the business if you bought an iPhone right?
Speaker 2
That's what I'm saying. Like the very first one of my I'm done listening to you What the hell are you talking about? This? This has been copied like I started this new business you bet nobody can call me right. I had to choose between the business and the iPhone.
Law Smith
They can go to try grasshopper.com for slash sweat. get hooked up. Yeah, they've right computer though. It's called a mid roll read guys. Professional. Health, healthy groceries, healthy groceries. 100 bucks. Look, no for what? 403 days?
Speaker 2
like, No, dude. Yeah, that's the thing is like, go to Whole
Law Smith
Foods. See how far that 100 goes. Right? And then like, dinner, and dessert is $100. Like, if you get away with $100. tab, like on a date night?
Sure. And you're drinking, right? Yeah, that's
Law Smith
like a fried chicken. Basically. Yeah, like $100 there's nothing going out for dinner for two.
Yeah, that's annoying. I hate that meme so much.
Law Smith
And then watch Netflix for two hours. And then a few Richard Branson. Richard Branson. Russell Brunson. Okay. He made me fucking up for brand. It's in front of my face and it fucked it up. watch Netflix, two hours. One more app. learn a new skill two hours. What fucking new skill could you learn in two hours? Right? That is profitable, right? Like Yeah, you might learn how to like stack cups. Yeah. The trend of three years ago for two Yeah.
Speaker 2
Are you saying practice a new skill or you got to learn the whole thing in two hours like that? Because no skill you are in two hours like you said it's gonna do you any good? Really? I mean, then it's just a life hack if you can learn in two hours,
Law Smith
but a skill implies that you are an expert right at this thing you'd write?
What is it? 10,000 hours
Law Smith
right? And you can make Netflix that probably how much people watch
Speaker 2
Netflix probably watch 10,000 hours of Netflix who knows I'm just
Law Smith
really good Netflix watcher,
Speaker 2
but right baby. Your skill? Paying attention at Netflix?
Law Smith
Yeah, that'd be a sad funeral. That's like number one. I
Speaker 2
love those intros that's number one on the bio. Yeah, he loved he loved the Jacksonville Jaguars and Netflix
Law Smith
he used to love that life love making fun of that are you watching still? Cuz he knows he is. Oh man. Yeah, that's when you get buried in shorts. Yes, that's that character we made Yes. takes it to x will suck on that Duvall. County away from the Duvall largest city walk in the country. Land land wise and wise. Yes. And learn scattered buried somewhere nobody knows where though. They kind of don't overlap. Yeah, cuz people used to go over and try to dig them up or something. So they had to like move them five times or something crazy.
Oh, sounds shady. Some people
Law Smith
yeah some people are weird about that with celebrities and with that if I do stuff to the body if I go before I can get this in a Will you have to promise Viking funeral for me? If I don't have a body you got to you got to just like kind of put a mannequin What do you mean if you don't have a body? Like let's say I just like it just obliterated, okay, if you get
Speaker 2
obliterated, like that's already badass enough. Mission accomplished. I'll say like this is what I'll do I'll play this clip. I still want to be law wanted to have Viking funeral but unless I get obliterated I'll say listen.
Law Smith
Okay deal this tops it because that's a lot of work. I gotta get a canoe
it would have been static.
Law Smith
Oh no, no no, I show my arrows
Speaker 2
that your dead body everybody gets to Why get first one
Law Smith
everybody gets arrows Yeah, you're coordinating it so you can go everybody one and then you can't go I'm gonna come to three on three do it and then on one you get to shoot yours okay?
Yeah, shoot on two.
Law Smith
Yeah, it's a power move right? Right before you say three you shoot it out.
Speaker 2
That's a dance and beat the shit out of your dead body in the other room before we put it on the boat even cremate me
Law Smith
put it I just want a boat to burn in water. That's all sure yeah. Put me in the river near Cleveland and good chance the river water will go on fire. Oh wow. Do you know that happen?
No, but we can't leave in Cleveland. No, but
Law Smith
that the river that place sucks so bad. The river when I
tried to kill itself the river the thing of water?
Law Smith
Yeah. Yeah. That's how much it was in the wire mean the floating on the top. No, that's scary.
People live there and drink the water somehow.
Law Smith
So we got a sweat equity exclusive. What's that? Well,
which one? Well,
Law Smith
you tell me which one you want to go?
Speaker 2
For? I was like, just you know, pick whichever one you want. Well, we could talk about how I got engaged. Let's get that.
Law Smith
I'm not gonna cut it. But I got a
Law Smith
It was supposed to be more than that.
Law Smith
You're so elated. Yeah. Look at your family. Yes. Just pumped.
Speaker 2
Friend of the program to Jessenia Rojas and I are going to get married.
Law Smith
Yeah, yeah, go back a few episodes last 20 she's been on a couple times three times. Something like that. Y'all we're working on googly eyes. Well, it's it's interesting kind of business. Kind of not. It didn't bring me together. But it kind of formed a better relationship. Y'all working on stuff, right? Sure. She's great. Yeah, but you did it. What I thought was interesting. It almost felt impulsive. Like last minute. I need to get video of this. Right. Okay, in the studio.
Speaker 2
Yeah. So I wanted a unique way of doing it. And I did I think I was basically Was it a it was a Tuesday right? Cuz you came over right after? Yes. Do we we recorded a podcast No, we
Law Smith
were going to and then I was like, record after you guys just get engaged like I came over to do it you kept saying we have to reschedule like a couple of things which you've never really do. So I was like, Okay, well I'll just do one at like 730 at night, we usually try to go like, you know, six to 830 something like that. So when I was like you cancel shit What's going on? But you were here that I came over the time you did it right before? Yeah, you did like 10 minutes before I got over here. Yeah, record and I was like without recording.
Speaker 2
Yeah, I don't even remember what she had going on to she got to do something. And got dressed up in our I got a white suit for headshots for later that you need to get in on Yeah,
Law Smith
it's very the way this this show is very intertwined into the story. Oh, big time. Yeah.
Speaker 2
Don't be like, Oh, this fits right. And you won't even be able to tell if you scroll to the scroll bar at the bottom. And you're not paying attention. It's not going to be obvious in the proposal part.
Law Smith
That Okay, except you're wearing a suit. Yeah, he looked like cocaine dealer from 92.
Speaker 2
That is the nerves are better. And you're fit. Yeah, and I do not.
Law Smith
Isn't it funny your memory block some of this out a little bit? Because you're so nervous. You feel mine when I did it? Oh, yeah. For my Yeah. first wife. But it was like, it was one of those things where I was like, I've never been more nervous. Like it was like a telltale
Speaker 2
sign. It's like, we do this all the time. podcasting is fun. Yeah, that shit was on nerving I hate
Law Smith
I felt like the telltale hardware in your pocket. Like, you just want to bust it out and just get done with it. Yeah. Cool,
Speaker 2
hardest part of the video you can't like, because I did record it. And I have a video clip of it on my whole thing does whatever. It's cringy for me to hear it. I can't even imagine it's cute. The whole thing is, but whatever. I'm gonna play it on the end. But as I'm doing it, I couldn't figure out a way to like, just have it ready to bust out the ring. So I sat here and I had it tucked in between my knee. My knee behind my calf and my my knee pit the whole time. And your knees. Yes. Think about it. I didn't want to be like, cuz I'm wearing a jacket too. I don't want to dig into it. or pull it straight up boy.
Law Smith
You're like, you're like the Chinese music magician in the prestige. Thank you that he doesn't like he fakes like he has a bad like, walk like a bad step. Like he's ridden a horse forever right? So you can do one goldfish trick is like you held this pose with I know what you're talking about like you hold your knee tight Oh extra tight to yes cuz you're like can't fuck this up you only get one shot at it. Right and you didn't want to be if it fell on the ground? How right how much of a bummer would I know it was right
on camera? tape send it to
Law Smith
Takashi Schumann thing that can happen but like, right for whatever reason it would ruin
Speaker 2
it could be like looking back at like designing a ruined I mean it would be fine either way, but you know, make it special. It's
Law Smith
this is well, this is a 10 and I'm saying like, if it falls out of your knee pit? It's like a it's a four or five. Yeah, well, but you had all the equipment set up in here so
Speaker 2
I was like hey, when you get back I need you to help me check. Check some microphones. Like that's weird. Leader help check a microphone. What does it even mean? And you know there's right play this it's only 47 seconds. So there's like six minutes of me dicking around and just dancing around. I watch that party part of you all you won't watch it. I know you all if you haven't watched it yet. You're not gonna because
Law Smith
I didn't know if I was allowed to. You're allowed to Well, I saw it in our Vimeo library have a bunch of videos people
assumed you knew that all right, I was gonna
Law Smith
Oh, you spit it out fast. You
Speaker 2
know, that was like I said there's six minutes of preamble. preamble. This is
Law Smith
cute. I don't know what you believe her marriage.
Speaker 2
Okay, she said, Shut up. No person comes on the mics and sits right I mean, for the record day Of course.
Law Smith
The camera. Exactly.
Speaker 2
Timeout. Yeah. Yeah. She said was he say, I couldn't even hear it. I didn't think about it. But I started to say what? That clip is not meant I didn't really like it because I did that like five seconds right where we started.
Law Smith
So no one's judging your editing skills. I'm
still waiting on her to answer yes or no.
Law Smith
It's funny, cuz he's like, what gets picked up on the mic? It sounds like you're yelling you're into an engagement. Sir, what are you talking about? Do it?
Speaker 2
Well, I heard her they know. And that's, that's Yes. Go that
Law Smith
way. Yeah. You know, you know the role when girls say no, they mean? Yeah, yeah. No, she's such in shock.
Right. You know? And yeah, I think she said shut up. And then
Law Smith
you stupid she went, Rosie. I know. But of course, you still played out.
It was fun.
Law Smith
The Cubans had turned out right. Nice. Yeah. So we're What? Were you getting married? No, no,
Speaker 2
we got to do that part of it. Hmm. The other part getting married part are you
Law Smith
going to now you're going to try to get it quick and dirty. You know, you're gonna do a big thing. When
Speaker 2
we're, I mean, we're working on the busiest break. I mean, I don't know it's hard to say, well, I'll didn't pay tastings, right, working on that. So there's a bunch of stuff going on a lot of moving parts. So you're
Law Smith
working on that brand and really building that out. That's That's a lot. Yeah, well, they've actually family business do I know about that? I know.
Speaker 2
But, uh, not my go. Whenever you want. I don't necessarily I don't need a big thing. She doesn't either. I mean, it's but still it'll be okay. actually kind of want. weddings are fun.
Law Smith
Yeah, use like, use your own. Right. Like, I love the New Orleans a redo. Yeah. You gotta this time you'll get it right right
remix. No, yes.
Law Smith
I think it's a Wait, did someone get dibs on officiating? Yes. arena phase. Oh, God. Damn, it already asked that. I knew that. You knew it. Or number one guest to the show right now. Yeah, she you know, she's she's actually better. She's better for it. Wait better?
You kidding me? People will listen when she talks. That's true.
Law Smith
That's true. If
Speaker 2
you do five minutes a dick jokes. Yeah, attention to the actual
Law Smith
talking about traffic. Real sweaty. It wasn't weird. That was a weird year. Yeah,
I mean, that was you tip these people.
Law Smith
You know, people don't put enough air in their tires. And that's the real reason. They're not efficient with their cars and people out and then I'm
Speaker 2
done. Okay, but AAA is a good thing. But now, everybody should get AAA.
Law Smith
Everybody should do it. Even if you know how to change apply. Okay, we're we're
AAA. You guys have AAA right? insurance.
Law Smith
The ring bearer fell asleep, son. You're gonna have to stand up, you know? No, not on your knee. Helmets down a chair? Yeah, that'd be Yeah, I'd like to New Orleans style where you you get married small and then right after it. You have like a huge party. That's not formal. Yes, that's pretty legit. Yeah,
that's pretty much the idea.
Law Smith
Can I throw another Biggie at ya for wedding? We should just get a second line going. You know that is in New Orleans. You can hire like the second line marching band. And you get to go March, you get to go reckless. You get to go through New Orleans. Like, who does? The whole I've done it twice in two weddings like, like they're like, got married and they walked right out into a marching band. What? And then you parade through the city? Oh, you should do that. Here I am. Yes. It's so fun. How
can Yes. How do we do that? You just oh my god to
Law Smith
Ybor City and be like, I'm gonna hire a marching band. How do I get How can I go down? I only need like 10 minutes of this stretch of road.
Speaker 2
But just to be Ybor City, like you're gonna need to be wherever the wedding is done. There we go.
Law Smith
You get married in our old office.
That's the first time
Law Smith
No, but I'm saying like but, but what I'm saying is that that second line thing, it turns into a parade wherever you are, you just want to have it where people want people. Outside yes I want that because they will instantly turn into a like a parade watcher. like no one's like being a dick and trying to get in your second line or anything. Where's the line of the who's allowed in that? That means the wedding. Yeah the whole wedding crew just starts everybody went
to the wedding. Yeah,
Law Smith
that's how I've done
it with okay so outsiders who you're talking about
Law Smith
both times we didn't know what's gonna happen. It was just like
Speaker 2
that is awesome that like I would lose my shit I thought what we say my I'm gonna figure out a way to get a flyover for my dad dies. Yeah, he was fly by Guy. This is what I want. That's why. Yeah, that's what I want to my funeral for doing funerals. What do you want to carry my body out into a second line? just learned about today?
Law Smith
It's fine. I used to hate New Orleans now. I love it. And that's one of the reasons like this. Everybody who lives there just knows that's the thing, like, but you can literally get a marching band to go out of wherever you get married. And just that will turn into a second line essentially. Right. And people will fall fall be like, yeah, like, like your own little gasparilla Mardi Gras.
Speaker 2
You know, High School Marching Band. There's somewhere around here.
Law Smith
Yeah, you need you need some people that are free Saturday night. I mean, most likely,
Speaker 2
High School Marching Band. Yep. Like I said, No offense, cheap labor. Yeah, you know, the cheapest you got pay bucks for the watch to be an intern, right? Every year make
Law Smith
it a contest and make it a contest. Like I know I paid the marching band, but this is a squid game.
What's the first episode of that?
Law Smith
I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't get into it. Because that Narcos like oh, I have to watch and read subtitles. I second screen on this. Everything sadly. I put a second screen everything now. So it's like, like, I'll have TV on but I'm kind of always half watching now. Yeah. But it's tough to do. Yeah, yeah. Well, this was an episode.
This This was a podcast.
Law Smith
I did I want to get that clip out and push it out. What are you proposing Dane down you stupid? Well,
Speaker 2
I forgot I had like music going in the background to what is it? quiche? crimson clover.
Law Smith
What is it Quint? That's it. It's Rosie Perez and white men can't jump. When? Billy Billy the story brothers? Yeah.
Speaker 2
Yeah, I can pull one. Fucking Rosie Perez from white man I can pull any white men can't jump. It became like
Law Smith
an inside joke at one with some of my roommates who used to live by itself.
They're pretty, you know, happy about it, right?
Law Smith
They're pretty fun. Except they don't know how to find a podcast. All right. Yeah. Alrighty, well, fuck Joe Biden. That's why I thought we're gonna chant fuck Joe Biden. Joe Biden. Because that's like a thing. college football stadiums now. Now it's leaking into everywhere. Really? music concert. Yeah, the fuck both. Joe Biden chant.
Well, you haven't heard about that. That's
Law Smith
definitely college football games. Every guy
watch college football long.
Law Smith
I only seen on Instagram. Just people reposting it.
Speaker 2
Oh, I think it was someone Instagram I had to show you privately. Oh, okay, real gross. No.
Law Smith
dm it put in my secret dams. Alright, that's it. About my sweater. Woody woody woody