#269: How To Crash An "Everybody Wim Hof Tonight" Party

sweq 269 audio

Wed, 9/23 · 4:28 PM36:45


people funny wim hof thought manage vpn wim hof method sweat talking good breathing shit business running friend work watch smoke breathe break


Speaker 1


He's into it. There you go.

Law Smith


We're Cool Runnings man sweat equity podcast. I'm your host lost missing my right your left on your screen if you're watching nobody does. We're huge on LinkedIn man Eric red ginger


bettinger Oh my God. He

Law Smith


did it. I like mispronouncing it but I realized that joke now people that listen, I think that's your last your Eric red ginger. Were sweat equity podcast and streaming show pragmatic entrepreneurial advice with 1,000% more dick jokes number one arbitrated business comedy podcast.


Speaker 1


I like how you didn't change it from arbitration to arbitrator the

Law Smith


arbitrator Arbitron rated arbitrator



Law Smith


Yeah, man, my add is off the chain this morning. I want to drop a little fun fact. Did you know if you sign up for tik tok they make you instantly famous. That is why it's so addictive. Yeah, sign up for account your first post gets the most reach out there. And then they got you.


Oh, well that. Okay. We'll talk about that. Yeah.

Law Smith


Okay. No, I just want to drop someone do some added value right at the top. That's that's that's what I'm trying to do in the rundown. Now. Hey, listen to us on iTunes, Apple podcast app, Spotify, laughable. Watch us on YouTube. We got no views over there. Facebook, as we're doing this live on a Monday morning iptv. igtv turn that turn that phone horizontally to watch the whole episode. If you like, we're on Vimeo. We're big in the business stuff. Vimeo, LinkedIn hit us up there. Hey, you want to support the show? Subscribe rate review. That's the cheat code to get us up the rankings. We it'd be so awesome. If we could just get in the business top ranking one day because we're not supposed to be there. Otherwise, what the show our sponsors Express VPN, try expressvpn.com Ford slash suek. Get you three months free off an annual plan. What's ExpressVPN what anonymize internet searching you can go on other countries VPN and you can watch the office or whatever, you know, 30 other countries it's on Netflix over there. Yeah, there's a whole other world. We don't even know I'm sure. I'm sure the Pakistani ones really funny. Try expressvpn.com forward slash way. gets three months free off an annual plan three months free. No more worrying about your internet history when you die. Because it all be wiped away anyway,


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Law Smith


Yeah, you have to be using try Express VPN comm forward slash sweat is the promo code that gets the hookup and yet the VPN used to be really slow. This one is the real deal Holyfield. Yeah, another sponsor grasshopper. Try grasshopper.com. forward slash sweat. Get you 75 bucks off an annual plan for a scalable business phone line. Don't have a Google Voice number like a brownie. Don't have your cell phone. Go right to your phone. I had that this morning. You heard it? It was answered Hello. And I was like, is this the company I'm calling. I was like, Oh, this is your personal cell phone. Not good. Try grasshopper.com forward slash sweat. It's a $75 off an annual plan. Warby Parker Warby Parker. trial.com. forward slash sweat. Gets you five free perceptron at home, and I'm running out of time. So that's it. Right. Hit it up. Hotty Toddy

Law Smith


feeling good? Yeah. Yeah. Well, I thought a lot about our criticisms from our friend Bubba the love sponge.


Oh, yeah. We're friends now.

Law Smith


Over I guess we're friends. So we're gonna we're gonna go into Thunderdome on Thursday as we record this on a Monday, but you know, I keep thinking about it. And we needed a little I think we needed a little recharge we need hate is good.


Speaker 1


Yeah, no, for even before he said that. I was like, I have been such piece of shit with this. Like not I have not been bringing anything extra to the table when I've got the time to do it. And I haven't. And it's just like, why? why it's something I love. Why am I not doing that? Right, right? It takes a kick in the nuts by Bubba and get it going. Yeah, it's not like it's better. Now I didn't do anything different. But I'm saying I now have some motivation.

Law Smith


Well, I put this in. It's in. It's not a hobby. Really it, it's a thing that we get a lot of indirect value out of. We taught you to direct value, but a lot of indirect value. Like, it makes me research things throughout the week because I'm gonna have to talk about new stuff or interview someone. Sure. Now acting like I do a lot of pre production, that's the thing I need to work on a little bit more. And getting, you know, maybe some higher end guests not to say that there are previous guests before, you know, nobody's interested. But I'm saying like, you know, yeah, let's, let's just try to ramp it up. Even the branding. We've talked about doing a little bit of the updating, you want to go 17 mode, the more I thought about I don't know, I can't


even say 17

Law Smith


Well, you show me a what was the one you showed me the you show me some like,


recall, honestly,

Law Smith


we we had a couple adult beverages.


Speaker 1


I was saying I thought maybe just classy black and white. Like we go super.

Law Smith


Oh, no. That's how we started actually


Speaker 1


was more like a weird forest man thing. No,

Law Smith


no before that before that way before your time. Wait before you even came on as a guest. By the way. Wim Hof is kind of the reason we started working together. I figured that


I know.

Law Smith


So you came on as a guest A long time ago. Yeah. And it was like, What are you doing? And you're well you told me about Wim Hof. But,


yeah, I came in to talk about Wim Hof. And then

Law Smith


I was like, What are you doing, dude? And then we spent like four years, I think, but I was talking to our friend. We went over her house on Saturday night to do Wim Hof party.


Yeah. And I liked it a great time.

Law Smith


No, I look I'm not too cool for school for Wim Hof. I guess explain what the Wim Hof love it killed your allergies is what I think wildly interesting.


Speaker 1


Oh, well, I mean, I've talked about the Wim Hof technique so much but I mean just anybody you know, it miliar it's the combination of breathing exercises and cold exposure and and yoga that if you stick to it, it absolutely will help your immune system in terms of like, soreness and like if you work out a lot you and ice bath once a week like I used to get hurt all the time at the gym, and I don't really get yanked up like a you know, you you'll just do it like once every six months, you'll wake up get your shoulder joint, you know, you got like this thing. It doesn't really happen that often anymore.

Law Smith


Well annoying.


Speaker 1


I'm gonna think to myself and I'll be in a wheelchair tomorrow. But yeah, so the when your friend independently wanted to do a Wim Hof party invited you she's

Law Smith


a little, little bit of a, let's say spiritual gal. You know, one that has there's like, walk in there's incense and stuff, you know, like stuff like that kind of gal.


Speaker 1


Very sweet. It was really refreshing. It was refreshing. Exactly. It was her birthday. So her friends come over and join her in this sort of thing. And I thought it was great. Like I, you know, two years ago, I was trying to get people together to just teach him about it just because, I mean, I'm a huge proponent. Everybody should be doing this. It's insane. Takes 15 minutes a day to breathe, like do it and you'll feel better.

Law Smith


So there's a Wim Hof app, I want to kind of give that call to action. We don't get paid by him. Right. I wish but there's a Wim Hof app that anybody can kind of download. I'm sure they have like a freemium part to it. Where? Yeah, free version. I think it's just the flavor. Every time there's YouTube videos,


Speaker 1


yeah, it's all about it. Trust me. It's not rocket science. Like, it's not that hard to figure out. But it's his diligence.

Law Smith


Yeah. And it's like, I know, I need to stretch a little bit. You know, a couple times throughout the day, I used to be good at that. I started to get back on that again, find have more energy, maybe to add this into there. You know, just start doing it for maybe five minutes. It's the first thing I do every day. You know, it's just like a nice reset. Nice calming situations, somewhat meditative if you want it to be. But do you want to give a little sample Can you without if you're driving, maybe don't get


driving? I mean, yeah, it's a really

Law Smith


messy up.


Speaker 1


Yeah. So it's meant to be relaxing. The idea is that you breathe in as fully as you can. without straining, you don't want to like start tensing and doing all that you just let your lungs naturally fill up with air as much as they can and just just let a little bit out enough to so that you can kind of increase that intake again, and you do that 30 to 40 times. And then on that last inhale, inhale

Law Smith


30 to 40 times that's Yeah, that's the part I forgot about. Well, that's


Speaker 1


just that's it's a cycle. So you'll do that those breaths deep. And then one last deep one and a new exhale completely. And you hold your breath for as long as you can, until you feel uncomfortable and just feel like you need to breathe. That's the second Part of the cycle, then you inhale and hold that for 10 to 15 seconds. And that's when you start to feel high. And then you start it again. And then the more you do that, after three or four rounds, your hands will be tingling, you'll feel great. Like it is an absolute, like. It's something that will I guarantee you, if you're freaking out and you sit there and you do it properly, you will be calmer at the end of it for sure. Yeah, I mean, it seems obvious, but it some people have a hard time getting there and just being able to not just be in the stink of just anxiety and stress. It's hard.

Law Smith


What does this have to do with entrepreneurship business professional kind of tips, here's here's where it kind of aligns with that. There's a lot of people working from home, a lot of people stressed anxiety, you got to figure out these little tricks. You know, when when shits hitting the fan, generally in life, but I think this, we're now kind of looking at a lot of wellness stuff with bigger companies, because, you know, either they want to look like they're trying to do it is like look at us. Yeah, or they really see the value of it. I think PwC is a huge company that I know, spends a lot of effort and their, like HR, their, their programs for their employees, they got a lot of employees and they treat them so well. Like, by far from a huge business standpoint, corporate they're doing it really well. Yeah, that and that I think they I mean part of them is an accounting firm I believe so I think they've figured out the numbers that it's it's probably coming back into less churn of employees better better work out of the employees especially when everybody's trying to pivot and do this work from home life and I like I'm not the best at just 100% work from home I I need that environment around me I'm realizing that throughout this the core keep


showing up over here

Law Smith


yeah here to work I'm here to work man here to do work whatever it is though it whatever that part is but even just feeling good about like, things are starting to open up in Florida feels like I went for a jog last night and like by ran by 300 people walking around downtown, maybe 5% over mass like I you know, I never ever


Speaker 1


replaces bumping in relation to COVID Wim Hof Method. I mean, they're starting to see markers where people dying of Coronavirus have low oxygen levels in their blood. I mean, another thing that seems obvious, but like what you're doing with the Wim Hof Method is you're you're increasing your oxygen levels that you can hold your breath longer and trick your body into thinking or die. It's like, the more we hear about it. I mean, it's just such an a fix all in my opinion, like I just for entrepreneurs, who everything relies on them, if they're the ones like there's a ban, yeah, they have nobody like you. And I have both been what happens when you get sick and you can't get out of it? Like nothing? Yeah, like, that has to be your number one thing because it's like, you can't just count on your genes to not get sick. And, you know, God forbid you have something bad happen. You know,

Law Smith


your accident, whatever. But it's proactive maintenance. Partly but it can, it can help you in a pinch. You know, if you're, you're about to give a presentation. A lot of people freak out about that. And like Sure, yeah, used to be the old trope of like the paper bag. You know, there's something to that. I mean, not. They say smokers though. They get the breaks to go smoke. in a weird way. They're doing this deep. They're doing a deep breathing exercise, even though they're they're putting in a lot of smoke and stuff. They say there's something to that break they take, huh? Well, I don't even know about this. Oh, shit. There's the pulling in there.


Speaker 1


Yeah, I don't know. I mean, the nicotine itself could be causing a calming effect,

Law Smith


but they're away from the way from the office. That's I think that's the other part. Sure. Yeah. Breathe. You're gonna go on a breathing break in one sense. Yeah. Away from the building because now all smokers are like, Oh, you go in the alley next to the dumpster. You


Speaker 1


go in your shame spot. Right? You sit right and think about what you're doing.

Law Smith


I kind of I would love to walk into like a an old school madman office where everybody's just smoking cigarettes non stop. I think that'd be refreshing for some reason. No,


it's ironic. 30 seconds up. Oh my god. Yeah. Yeah, I grew

Law Smith


up in a house of cigar smoke. So it's kind of like my dad used to smoke him inside. And so


Speaker 1


I know But still, even when you're away from it, it doesn't

Law Smith


know it's like a trigger memory for sensory familiar fond


of the smell

Law Smith


a little bit. I think. I think cigarette smell can smell good cigar smell definitely. Coffee. That's all these white people thinks.


Speaker 1


cigarettes are gnarly dude. Can't do it. I

Law Smith


don't know there's something about the what people used to do to cover up cigarette smoke when they smoked indoors, like in the 90s. There's some smell. I can't put my finger on it that I like,


Speaker 1


yeah, it's always just that smell plus a little bit of cigarette smoke. So it was funny, gone completely.

Law Smith


It was funny. Everybody in the room was cool. I was like, I only knew the birthday girl. It was her place. And I didn't know the nine. You know? 12 other people there. So we were kind of fish out of water coming in there. With a little bro energy. Yeah. Cuz like Mita you know, like, bathing suits and take right white trash in it. It was Saturday night. Sure. So remember, go for bathing suit. This was gonna be like a little hop. And then we're gonna go watch the Stanley Cup. game. And so it was like, Okay, we'll just pop over here. Say what's up, do this. And I guess I built you up as a Wim Hof celebrity to our friend. And so she was pumped. And man, it was kind of cool. It was


Speaker 1


I loved it. Man. I love anybody that's willing to just sit there and just try something without judgment and just let it i'm not i'm not gonna push bullshit on people like this thing is like not even Whoo, you can make a woo as much as you want. But it's literally they're taking the man sticking them in a science lab and taking showing results with these things. So it's not like there's not measurable obvious benefits to it. You know, it's like, but you can also make it a nice spiritual gathering, which is what it was. I mean, yeah, it was really nice and just


relaxing. It was cool. It was definitely


Speaker 1


thankful that they loved me that she wanted me to do it. It was nice. I I forget that. I like to do that and share it with people.

Law Smith


Yeah, I was hoping that would maybe fire you up to do those random. kind of did that.


Yeah. A big empty house. Now maybe do here.

Law Smith


Yeah, it's one of those things where everybody's super nice to the point where I you're almost like, What? What is this gonna be a call? I'm making a joke that this isn't gonna cook me and eat me. This is the this is how you do a startup called. It's like you start it this way. But I do need to post


a video. Actually, I did take a video of her baby breathing.

Law Smith


I had church giggles like fucking crazy.


Speaker 1


I was waiting for you to rip a fart is what I thought you gotta look on your face. Like it's come.

Law Smith


I looked at over our third buddy that was there who completely didn't know what we were doing. Yeah. and was like, you know, ready for the game. And like, I had money on the game. And so he's like, come on, man. It's starting. It's starting. Like, what are we doing? Why don't we start on time? Like he's I? So that like unintentional, like sick commie, like,


talking about this

Law Smith


watershed where he's like, almost like, yeah, and then like, No, no, it's cool. I'll do it. I'll do it. I'm doing it. This is great. That guy shit. And so I you AJ and I was playing footsie with him to see that I don't like I don't think he likes the gay jokes. They made me laugh even more.


Speaker 1


And then, yeah, but he doesn't like him for the different because they're not funny. That's why


I don't like them. If you have better material

Law Smith


in the city, and to say that super quiet and and it's very just like, I get harmonized and we're all raw. We're all kind of breathing as one in a way


right? But you're busy dicking around with his feet.

Law Smith


Before we started before we started it was like let's everybody get their spot. I was told to lay down really good choice. And then I had such church giggles I had to like get into that pigeon yoga pose that hurts the hip flexor one to like have something like some people would like pinch themselves sometimes to stop shit. I had to like do that. It just alternate you could have just



Law Smith


now it would have I was like you think you weren't going for


Speaker 1


it? There was another girl there was laughing in my face. I was like

Law Smith


it's fine. Like and I'm like I'm on her level.


Speaker 1


Well, she's like turning away like She's embarrassed of like I don't care like you could whatever comes out comes out if you think this is the stupidest shit ever find. I didn't want to run out like I said they're drunk come into

Law Smith


what it would ruin it for anybody else in the room and think that I'm I didn't want anybody to go. Well, he thinks he's too cool for this or something. Right? So I'm trying to be sensitive to the whole thing. And


the last thing I want to do is right.

Law Smith


That I definitely I did that with my 14 year old daughter when we were doing yoga every day when they weren't in school. You know, the spring when the covid era, they couldn't go to school. And I remember like how funny it was that at one point I was getting mad. And like totally breaking like everything that you get off me. This is really hard guys like yeah, both of my kids are trying to jump on me and they think it's funny. And I remember just like having a Will Ferrell like, like, absurd anger out of nowhere. Yeah, but not flexible, so it hurts. Anyway, I thought that was interesting to prioritize that buddy, Mike flexibility? I know, I know, I know, I look, these are the things we know this is kind of what the show is about a little bit. anybody listening kind of knows, generally probably what they need to do for themselves to be a better entrepreneur or that person I really think about when I think about our audience, I think about the person working full time, and then doing another basically, like part time full time job to get them they want to do going. I think a lot of our age group now really is either or I think a lot of people, a lot of people all have like some side thing going on. Right, an Etsy store, be it you know, I see more hedging. Sure.


Right. And they should I mean,


Speaker 1


you know, nobody wants to work for anybody else, really. If they could, if they're inserted into a position where

Law Smith


I kind of I kind of like, where I'm at with running an agency and then being just a hired gun for another one. It is kind of nice.


Yes. But it's,

Law Smith


it's treated as if I'm running my own thing, right. That's not what


Speaker 1


yeah, that's it's more like being under the thumb under the control of somebody else's schedule that's been put on you that sort of thing, where you're not really like, dictating the terms.

Law Smith


Well, when I do contract work on the side now. And we're starting everything up, I tell them, here's how I like to be project managed. So I'm kind of telling them how to manage me, in a way, just a short thing. I did it last week. And they're like, Whoa, no one's ever told him. I'm like, he never told us to spank them. But no, here. Here's how I like to work. I'll have deadlines. I may get it done earlier. They may be right before, but I'll get I'll get them done. Still bother me. I go micromanagement means not going to work, especially when I'm trying to educate a lot of digital at the same time. Yeah. Because it's a lot of like, I don't know, you're the expert kind of stuff. But I go, Yeah, but you are in an agency client relationship, call it or any working relationship, I think it's good, even if you're the subordinate in it to go, you know, here's, here's the best way I work. And here and they might go, here's how I kind of manage. And let's find a middle ground. Yeah. People don't do that right


Speaker 1


now, are not aware of how best to be managed or to manage, like, I don't necessarily know how to manage. Because like, on the manager, it's like, well, you're managing how many different personalities that are all different, like, you might be horrible at managing one person. Good at the rest, or somebody you know, it's just like, variability is so much

Law Smith


yeah. And sometimes you're in a position where you're the specialist and the generalist that manages in the general position, but you're also doing specialist work. So a lot of people it's hard to toggle back and forth. There stuff like that. I think managing like sense of humor, or taste in music is very, like, everybody thinks they've got it. They've got their good. It's just whatever the way I do it without really working on it. Sometimes.


Speaker 1


If you've heard they say, I'm not funny. say those words out loud.

Law Smith


I've heard that I've never but I haven't heard not me purse.


I'm saying like any.


You like me?

Law Smith


You know, I've heard people say, I'm not funny at all. Like,


I've definitely heard I can't remember ever hearing any my

Law Smith


boss. Like my boss says that. She's like, I'm not funny. But she she's not funny though. She She is in an unintentional way. And


you're hilarious. She's,

Law Smith


she is I've told her she is she doesn't know it in that thing of like, she's not pushing for it, right? She's very quirky. And like, I she gets excited, like we do about potential projects and stuff. And it's fun to see that energy and stuff. In a good way. I would say like, but she's like, I'm not intentionally funny. Like I can't. And she has a good sense of humor, though. She has like I say hi, comedy. You know, like, what would you call it? Aquaman. But I would say there's a lot of people that will tell you they're they're not funny at all. But they also don't know how bad like the shit they laugh at. It's not that funny.


Right? That? Yeah, everybody has

Law Smith


at the same time. You're an asshole if you say that. So it's like, yeah, so I you know, look well, sense of humor. It's like who?


Speaker 1


If you laugh if you think but like commercial, you laugh, a sense of humor.

Law Smith


Right? So that's I'm saying like,


Speaker 1


like you the only people who don't laugh are the ones that don't think they have a good sense of humor.

Law Smith


Right? Right. Yeah No I you get a lot of this when you start doing stand up a lot more and people start telling introducing you that you do stand up or at a party or something. That's where you're really going to hit that small talk of like, Oh, well tell me a joke and then you're like, Nah, no, I don't 12 years of doing this I still don't have a good line to say back. I'm really


Speaker 1


I'm like a chubby guy awkwardly walks into a party. Like and then some jackass stay with me here. jackass wearing a stupid finally describe them perfectly. Make fun of them the whole time. You just take the whole joke.

Law Smith


I've done that. It's not it doesn't work. It comes off as like, Hey, man. A lot of people don't want to be roasted well, so is also they don't get that that's like entertaining. I know. They don't get that so condescending. They don't under a vote. Most people are checked out. They're not. They're just blurting out whatever they're blurting out, right? And they're not driving in the money. They're not driving in the car home like, man, I shouldn't have said that. Right? Like, even if you didn't wrote that on back. I'm just saying like, it'll come up and I just go I this is I don't know, I'm not like your favorite comic. That's what they're thinking. Do you like Jeff Foxworthy and I love Jeff Foxworthy. I'm not like him at all. Yeah, except I say y'all maybe that in? We're both I guess computer nerds.


Speaker 1


I mean, you got to come up with something, dude. People are gonna just be like that guy.

Law Smith


You know, it was like, I'm better conversationally. Like, I'll go I want to know about you and try to flip it back on them. Sure. And then I go I'm more I think I'm conversationally funny. So we'll see and then let me hear about you and I'll try to adjust I'd rather hear about someone else


Speaker 1


yeah, maybe just have a question ready to go to ask them back

Law Smith


that's that's it. Jordan Harbinger style What up dawg? What are you coming on? Harbinger I'll reach out he's my boy. Yeah. Wait, how much do we have your dash paid for his charity for him to come on the podcast?


Speaker 1


Um, I don't remember but he does do that. I don't think it was that much maybe look it up okay,

Law Smith


but yeah, it's right off


it's actually I like that idea.

Law Smith


We didn't you know knee jerk we don't like it but I what he's doing is filtering out a lot of brownies


Sure. I mean, I wouldn't do it if he hadn't like


Speaker 1


randomly reached out to me and kept talking back and forth with me like I'm apparently a real person.

Law Smith


If it's human I bet it's him but I most people at his level I would assume have other people writing maybe enforce to people Dane Cook style Don't ruin it for me. No I look I I have min min crushes on many broadcasters including all the way from Bubba the love sponge all the way to Jordan Harbinger which I feel like it's the opposite end of the spectrum. Yeah


that's a good call.


Speaker 1


Buddy what I don't know what you're doing your shows overt posture.

Law Smith


Now I'm trying to I didn't know if we wanted to flesh it. Oh, the last thing with the Wim Hof the breathing party? No, um, my posture is changing because now I'm self conscious about it as we've been talking about how I'm self shit. Or you're on the saddle, man. That's that saddle you stay in the bedroom. Yeah. VR. Or you VR? And just like I just think it'd be funny to walk in on someone looking at VR porn not I don't want to see any dick or anything. I just want to see them like, like cuz VR always looks goofy when you're trying to like you see someone the outside playing it. Oh, God.


Speaker 1


I've got a solid. I've got a solid three and a half on VR jerking off.

Law Smith


They're doing work like. Yeah, I mean, it looks like you're in a box and I'm slashing something. Yeah, yeah, that that's dangerous. That's something I don't know if I ever want to uncork that bottle.


Yeah, good. You can use mine.

Law Smith


No, that's like barring a from a flashlight like, right? Yeah, yeah, we're buddies. I don't need you know. Yeah, nothing in that world. I don't. That's your Private Idaho. That's all your stuff.


Good. Thank you

Law Smith


The thing. The Wim Hof thing I was gonna come back to just the funny thing that happened and this is like this happens any any gathering where everybody's a little bit vulnerable, but this is why I got church giggles were one guys is like very, very sexual about his breathing easily.


Which is fine, which is fine, but I'm not sure

Law Smith


I'm 10 years old, Giggler.


Speaker 1


But I almost said something because he was straining as he was doing it. And that was like, well, you Couldn't make those sex noises. Just do Don't breathe in so hard and violently you could

Law Smith


just not make the sex noises.


You know, trying to get people on board here with a one off thing

Law Smith


I know but I mean, chicks all day. Fine. Do it all day.


Yeah, it was a little distracting.

Law Smith


It was extremely distracting. That was like the other. There's like five things going on. I was like, Oh my god, I'm gonna fucking I gotta walk out of the room. I almost went outside. I was like, I'm gonna go. And I had to pee really bad. So it was just like, oh, once we how long Cisco I was trying to my mind over to you. What's the


Wait, am I my watch?


And I got kicked off for the video. Like,

Law Smith


yeah, you got dismantle, like, Can you put the video on?


Speaker 1


I was like, what video? What the hell are we talking about? make a video was supposed to make video, it was just a Wim Hof guiding them through it.


I think what's


really out every time.

Law Smith


But everybody in that room kind of individually. entrepreneurial. Like a lot of people were very, like kind of professionally successful. I always liked that crunchy group that's kind of got their business life together.


That was a good, great,

Law Smith


good. The other thing going, now I'm going to double back to the management stuff, if you want an easy guide of like management philosophies. Because I was going nuts trying to figure out, you know, I didn't know this three, four years ago, like, Oh, we should have a work of a methodology of work. God forbid, a book playbook. It's a philosophy, but there's a word for it that I can't pull up mission statement. It's like, just think work methodology, or working philosophy, like there's a bunch, if you go on wrike.com, they have w ri k MX, they have kind of an easy cheat sheet of like 16 different ways to manage. And this could be managing yourself, honestly. Because you might find that you work best in an agile, which is kind of how a lot of like digital people work. Because there's so many, you know, unforeseen variables, and you know, just such an education gap between clients and, and the digital, like, workers in the space. So I know that but so most people work agile, because that's just kind of a little bit sloppy, honestly. Yeah, it's just like, get shit done as it comes in, as you can get as far as you can. waterfall is another method that I do all 16 Oh, no, I do. I'm doing this up. gone through all 16. But a waterfall method to contrast is like doing breaking. I break everything into three phases. If I'm trying to just like dumb guy kind of figure out how I'm gonna do something in like, 16 times three. So what 40 there's 16 different philosophies. I'm just saying like any project, be it we were talking about building a bar or table outside, you know, an hour ago before the show. And so like, my head, I always try to break it up into three parts like, Okay, I need to go kind of design it out or sketch it out. What do I need to go get? Then like phase twos, like just a rough put it together? phase three would be like, you know, it's interesting, you


automatically divide everything up into threes.

Law Smith


I tried to train myself to do it because some of our friend Nick snap, who was a productivity consultant, and he's like an ops guy. He, he taught us that. I don't know if it's when you He came on when you were around? I was Yeah, I remember. And so he said, that's like a good


made me feel really dumb. It's a good way to because he's really smart.

Law Smith


It's a good way to attack a lot of projects. And if you can get your mind to go there, anything where you're like, Okay, I want my I need to teach my kids how to ride a bike. Okay, let's get so you can break everything up in


three inches. And let's try it out.


Speaker 1


Yeah, just in terms just because, you know, when you have stuff that you don't necessarily know how you're going to attack it. Maybe that could help in terms of just like,

Law Smith


pre production yet, like, pre production production post production. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. So you didn't know that's how I kind of see all this like any project.


So now most of the time and you're jabbering on

Law Smith


Well, the part that I suck at is just being like, very like, up to date on like, details and like telling everybody


Speaker 1


you're in phase one of a whole lot of shit waiting to move on. Yeah,

Law Smith


well, look, if you look at life, generally, you're gonna spit. I don't I'm not a good multitasker. I can't do two things at the same time. Well, I am a plate spinner. I can start this plate and when I'm at my best I can In this plate, I'm gonna go the second plate, spin it. I'm gonna go the third one, spin it. I'm gonna go back to the first one. And that's kind of how you should. That's kind of how I roll. Yeah,


Speaker 1


I'm sort of like, do do the one thing, finish it all the way through. Like, if I have a clear path to finishing, I'll do it and then move on to the next thing. I just can't tip.

Law Smith


Typically, something comes up,


you know, for sure. But if I have,


Speaker 1


like, you know, if I have no reason not to finish it, I will just because I can't not like yeah, bothers me having it left out. They're not finished. If I know what I'm doing,

Law Smith


same, same. And but at the same time, it's like, what are the things I can control? I'll get as far in this face as I can. But I'm not if I how much time Can I spend spinning my wheels trying to like, get this done? And even though it's some external thing that Yeah, can't finish it.


Yeah. So


it's a push and pull. We need to


get more time am I gonna spend doing planning for this?

Law Smith


I'm gonna get more than I want to get Nick back on here to talk about that stuff. Because it's been a while but thanks for thanks for tuning in. Yeah, Facebook Lives.


All right. Later. See?

Law Smith


We got probably record one before


maybe we'll record Wednesday. We'll need to.

Law Smith


I've got a couple people. I'm trying to try to bring in some guests because we've had a guest in a minute.


Yeah. All right. What about


my sweater?


#270: How To Properly Invest In Yourself w/ Comedian/Writer/Actor Nick Hoff


#268: How To React To Bubba The Love Sponge’s Reaction Of Episode 255 w/ Anna Hummel